Evacuation warnings from the Emergency Alert System (EAS) can happen suddenly, without much warning. Prevent extreme panic by packing your evacuation “go bag” ahead of the disaster. Your go bag should contain items your family and pets may need during or after an emergency. It’s important that every family member knows where the go bag is kept. Here are the top go bag essentials:



Insurance Policies & Identification

First Aid Supplies:



Cold pack

Antibacterial cream



Wet wipes/soap

Hand sanitizer

Food & Water:

Water- 1 gallon per person per day for 3-7 days

Food- non-perishable and canned food supply for 3-7 days

Electrolyte-based drinks

Dog & Cat Food


Cell phone power bank & extra phone charger

Download useful apps like FEMA and Weather Underground

Flashlight & batteries

Can opener

Pet supplies

Sleeping bags

Battery-powered radio

Cash to cover emergency purchases

Whistle to signal for help



It’s important to have enough supplies to last each person four days. We hope this helps you get your emergency bag ready.